Monday, September 28, 2009

Landscapes of Learning

Michael Apple, a renowned educator that thinks outside the box. He has visited Laurier Brantford to give a lecture on the program called “Landscapes of Learning” and how to fix education. He refuses to be indifferent and insists to confront the pessimism of the intellect and attempts to move beyond abstract criticism.

Dr. Apple originates from Patterson, New Jersey; a city that today is the second largest Arabic speaking city in the U.S.A. Much of the money he makes from lectures and book profits is donated to social and religious movements that are towards democracy.

Apple points out that education is both political and even ethical. The act of teaching is a political act due to how we treat it and how have feminized it. At the same time he comments on important and unimportant knowledge. If they are to be compared, then important knowledge must be compared to unimportant knowledge in order to understand a simple concept.

Apple states that our vision of education is being transformed – revolutions can go backwards and forwards. Education is worsening due to the fact that everyday costs are going up and salaries are not improving coherently. “It is raining in education.” says Apple. He makes an interesting comment during his lecture. He says that more money is being spent on prisons than of all higher education combined.

Apple has a very philosophical approach to his teaching method as he says that we should not assume that we can teach the world, when the world can teach us.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Last week I interviewed a fellow student by the name of Bridget Parker. Her topic of interest and expertise was 'zombies'. Quite an exciting topic, I thought! It was a tad bit ironic though, as during Orientation Week, she ended up on the Vampire team rather than the Zombie team. The folklore of zombies originated in Haiti in the 1800's due to voodoo practices. There are many different types of zombies, and they include but are not limited to zombies in religion, and zombies that are infectious.
The only way to kill a zombie completely is to dismember the head or to damage the brain so that it no longer functions. The sure-fire way that one transforms into a zombie is to be infected by an already existing zombie - through the format of exchanging bodily fluids. The virus then moves through the body and readily attacks the nervous system taking over the body. If one is to be infected by a zombie, one must immediately quarantine them. If there is no cure for a zombie infection - death is the only release. To prevent from being infected by a zombie, one must wear protective armour that a zombie cannot bite through. Any skin that is 'naked' is in risk of being attacked and infected.
After being infected, the transformation can take from two minutes to two days - it depends wholly on the virus.
The conventional view of zombies eating brains is stereotypical - zombies simply eat flesh. Zombies are not smart. They rely on instinct for survival. When encountering a zombie or attempting to survive a zombie apocalypse - do not carry guns. Carry knives instead. Guns run out of ammo, while a knife you can use multiple times without fail. At the same time, do not wear loose clothing that a zombie can grab hold of.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Hello, hello, hello! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ahmed S. Minhas and I am the gentleman that is running this blog. The specifics for this blog will be discussed later.

As for myself, I am a Journalism student at Wilfrid Laurier university, currently studying for my undergrad in Honours Bachelor of Journalism and Contemporary Studies.
The purpose of this blog is solely for educational purposes. I am running this blog for multiple assignments I get from my labs in Journalism.

I am not new to the blogging scene, as I also run another blog at - unfortunately I will be MIA for a little bit over there so I can perform my work here.
I hope that whoever comes across this blog finds it pleasant and easy to read - any complaints and comments can be redirected to my email at

Thank you,
Ahmed S. Minhas