Saturday, November 14, 2009

Center For Disease Control And Prevention

The famous quote, "Knowledge is power" was given to us by Sir Francis Bacon. If there's one site I'm following closely in order to obtain knowledge on H1N1, it would be the website of the Center For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This website gives a day to day detailed update on the number of deaths from H1N1 and the number of reported cases.
The website also gives fair warnings on how to avoid the disease and tips on how to keep oneself clean in order to prevent catching infection.
The CDC website is maintained by the National Center for Health Marketing, Coordinating Center for Health Information and Service.
The website also lists which countries have had an outbreak of H1N1, and has a link on the left hand side of the website on treatments for the H1N1 flu. If you are unable to visit the site for daily updates, on the right side of the website, there is an option to receive email updates which may be more convenient.

To those who would like to visit the website and also get updates on H1N1, please copy and paste the following URL into your address bar:

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